Angkor Wat

Two hours flight away from hometown KL, Angkor Wat and its temples are the perfect weekend destination. The jewel of the fallen Khmer empire is the largest religious building in the world. But what pictures never show you is the million of tourists, much worse than mosquitoes, packed in groups following loud megaphones of tour guides. A true nightmare!! So for a peaceful exploration, we chose to brave the heat and visit the temples from 11.00am to 15.00pm when the masses are on lunch break. It was hot and sweaty but paradisiac!

1. Bayon and it’s enigmatic stone faces

2. Ta Prohm, Hollywood favourite

3. Angkor Wat, the temple that is a city

4. Banteay Srei,  a pink sandstone miniature

5. Chong Kneas, the floating village

Tonlẽ Sap is the largest lake in Southeast Asia, fed by the Mekong River. The floating village itself is an incredible array of dozens of ramshackle floating structures broken into Vietnamese, Muslim, and Cambodian sections. It looks like a floating ghetto.

6. Our best places to stay:

Hotel de la Paix: The urban landmark.

La Residence d’Angkor: A woody and leafy romance.


6 thoughts on “Angkor Wat

  1. This place looks really nice…. and the hotel as well…………. 🙂
    one more adress to visit….. thanx guys 🙂

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